Peacebuilding and stabilization:
Muhiim is committed to building a secure and stable Somalia. M.O fosters peace initiatives by involving local communities in dialogue about safety and security. M.O promotes and raises awareness about the rights of vulnerable groups through workshops/seminars, sports, and recreational activities. Focusing on effective communication and teamwork, also known as "TaloWadag" in Somalia, promotes a greater understanding of the value of good crossfunctional communication among various age groups. Especially in terms of working together to build an improved community and a safer Somalia. As a result, M.O has a community-driven framework that promotes peace and stability for those who are vulnerable in the regions where we currently operate.

Protection for PWD (Person with disability):
Muhiim develops training, innovative, and supportive programs for people with disabilities and knows the significance of providing a secure environment for PWD to communicate their emotions, thoughts, and skills. By designing safe learning environments, providing educational materials, and advocating for the rights of those who are disabled. Muhiim also implements PWD protection initiatives to prevent and respond to abuse, exploitation, and neglect of disabled individuals.

Women Empowerment:
Muhiim promotes for the empowerment of women and girls. We are committed to ensuring they have access to a high-quality education and a life free of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Muhiim will teach young girls and women through educational programs that their voices matter in a society where they are often ignored.
Women Empowerment aims at promotion women to take lead role in democratic norms and culture in the operational area. Two types of activities are undertaken in this theme: one aim at building capacities of women and communities and their groups to engage effectively with government and other stakeholders for getting their constitutional and legal social, economic, and political rights, the other aims at working directly with state institutions for creating an environment that can guarantee the rights of women citizens. It also focuses on enhancing women income generation skills through capacity building and micro credit.

WASH: Shelter and Basic Services:
Muhiim addresses the immediate needs of IDPs, returnees, and those affected by calamities by providing emergency shelter, clean water, sanitation facilities, and access to essential services. The organization works to improve living conditions, enhance community infrastructure, and promote disaster preparedness and response.

Health and Nutrition:
Muhiim prioritizes the health and well-being of vulnerable communities by implementing health programs, including immunization campaigns, primary healthcare services, nutrition interventions, and awareness campaigns on hygiene and sanitation practices. The organization aims to reduce morbidity and mortality rates, improve access to healthcare, and promote healthy lifestyles.

Education, youth empowerment and Child Protection:
Muhiim is committed to ensuring access to quality education for OVCs, other marginalized children and young people. The organization establishes safe learning environments, provides educational materials, supports school enrollment, and advocates for the rights of children and hearing the voice of Somali youth. Muhiim also implements child protection initiatives to prevent and respond to child abuse, exploitation, and neglect.

Livelihood Development:
Muhiim focuses on creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for vulnerable populations, including vocational training, entrepreneurship support, job placement services, and income-generating activities. By empowering individuals with the skills and resources they need, Muhiim aims to enhance economic stability and reduce poverty.